Chicago 4 – Chips and Whetstones with Oak Leaves – And a Really Cute Border
Okay, I added that last part about the border. This quilt is my particular favorite. I just like the colors, pattern and the novel border (and the poison green fabric).
Here are detail photos of the applique on the borders of this quilt. This is my favorite part…looks to me like little girls jumping rope.
Below is a bigger piece of the border in detail. I bought a small square of that red fabric from Mary Koval when I was there in early March. I’d love to find more of it at a price less than $200 a yard.
Each corner was just a little different. It seems like it was compensating for running out of room, but I am not sure.
do you know whose quilt this is
I love the border of the mariners compass …doesn't quite fit? no worries!…just pop in a random heart. The little trees under the arches are too cute, definitely an idea to store away.
Thanks for taking such detailed photos and for posting them!
You certainly found a beautiful quilt, and I agree that the missed line of stitches is the pleasingly human touch – perhaps like the Eastern craftsmen of old that deliberately included a flaw in their work as a mark of respect that only the Almighty is perfect.
I stumbled upon your blog somehow and what a great place to spend a few minutes. Great photos. I too, love the books full of antique quilts and have purchased a few you mentioned. Thanks for sharing the photos from the quilt show.
I love that quilt! The different borders are absolutely charming! Thank you for sharing your wonderful pics. I'd love to attempt a quilt like that some day. 🙂
It really is absolutely lovely. You must have spent hours of work on it.
Thank you for your visit to my blog, it is so nice to 'meet' new friends.
This is so beautiful. The commitment and patience to do something like this.
Taren, this is a lovely quilt what you make. I wil started whit the Phebe, do you know the quilt ? I just bought the pattern i Australie…Thanks that you will be follow mij blog!
greetings, jeannet
beautiful quilt , one of my favorites .
these are the kind of pictures you need if you wanted to reproduce the quilt…GREAT pictures!!!!!
Ilove the way she did the border, alternating the colors of the trees and well when she got to the end, she put what she could fit in the corner!
That's a great quilt and it is a unique border.
Absolutely stunning….love it!
I have the pink fabric..
Julia ♥
I LOVE this one too! The blocks are wonderful and yes the border does look like little girls skipping :0) Is is an antique quilt?
Gorgeous quilt! I can undestand how it is your favourite.
Absolutely stunning!
The colors and design are gorgeous!
Sincerely ~ Tricia
This one is my favorite so far too!! The colors, the points, the folksy style and the 4 different borders!! Wonderful!!!
Imagine if we had a tardis and could go back in time to a haberdashery and buy fabric. I would even share. It is a lovely quilt. It would be fun to reproduce. :0
Hi Taryn
Thank you for posting this wonderful quilt. I adore pink and green quilts and that red is just wonderful. What a sweet description of the border, I love it!
That is what I love about old quilts…people just made it work and did not worry about it. The 4 corners being different gives this quilt great charm. And doesn't that pink just pop out at you! Thanks for sharing the photos for those of us who would never be able to see it otherwise!
Hugs from Holland ~
I too was really admiring the boarder treatment on this quilt (saw it posted somewhere else) I love the prim pattern idea. thanks for sharing
How beautiful, I have 10m of the pink fabric in my stash.
Thanks for showing it.