Turkey red

I belong to a quilt study group called the Eastern Shore Quilt Study Group.  The name is indicative of where we meet which is the eastern shore of Maryland.  In addition to the lure of great quilts shared in the company of wonderful women, there is the allure of fertile farmland and a trip away from the congestion of people and cars where I live.  I must remember to include a photo of the bucolic landscape the next time I am heading to a meeting.

Each month we have a theme and the members share examples from their collections.  I brought the quilt above from my collection because I love the quilting and I bought it because It has yards of a single fabulous turkey red print.  While showing it, another member brought out her extensive collection of examples of turkey red prints.  A good discussion of how to identify early vs. later turkey reds prints ensued.  Now I am motivated to start hunting for my own collection of turkey red print swatches.  We were not able to nail down a date for my quilt although one of the swatches had colors that were identical to mine even though the prints were different.

She also had this fabulous European (I think French) antique turkey red scarf.  It looks new because the colors have held up so well but it is very old and delicate.

This is one of many basket blocks that were shared by another member.  She had about 30 of them and we tried so hard to get her to donate one to each of us for a challenge.  Really, we were just dying to snag one each of these fabulous turkey red prints to add to our own collections.  The assortment of prints in the blocks was so tempting.

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