I have pics!
I finally figured out that camera and got busy stitching. Yay! I am working on the pattern Tribute to Judie by Carol Hopkins Designs. I joined a block of the month club through a mail order quilt shop (that shall remain nameless for now) and get 7 to 8 “star kits” every month. I am up to month 9. Here are some of the blocks with the pattern. I don’t expect to love every combination and it’s often the uglies that make the quilt. However, too many of the backgrounds are dark/busy and make for muddy blocks. Also, the blocks in the pattern have quite a few that really “pop” and these kits don’t have any “poppers” do they? I am talking cheddars and poison greens. There is a lot of brown and the setting squares (if one imitates the pattern) will be brown with a brown border. I don’t mind making my own “poppers” but I would be happier if the kits would liven things up a bit. At $8.30/month for 24 months I think that’s enough financial contribution on my part to send me some brighter colors. I know Judie Rothermel designs them!
I love Judie’s prints; that’s what drew me to this pattern. I’ve been collecting her designs since the first “civil war” collection (started a quilt from that about 10 years ago–but that will have to be another post). I think I am just going to have to delve into my stash to spice things up. In the meantime, here are more of the stars I’ve already made. I am also thinking about departing from the brown setting square and border. If anyone has made this quilt I’d love to see some pictures.
Aren’t the stars in repro fabrics fun!!