Nervously riding out Irene

I am trying to distract myself from the ferocious wind and rain outside tonight. These are my first four star blocks in the Stars and Sprigs quilt I mentioned in my last post. I would like to do an applique block but I am a bit too tense for that.

I am grateful we don’t have it as bad as other locations and we still have power. But, I sure do wish this storm will just blow out to sea.

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  1. still no power, things are bad around where I live they are saying monday, trees down like crazy and wires down on our street, they are finally taking down a few trees that have been block our street/corner today.
    will be in touch when I can, I can get emails at starbucks but I cant send them for somereason.
    glad you have power again.
    thanks for the email

  2. I may have to join you and Kathie on this…I've had the pattern for a while, stated the appliques in brights, and I'm not too thrilled with them.

    Hmmm…I hope the weather improves soon! Your stars are looking GREAT!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  3. Hoping the storm has blown out. Love your fabric combos in the star blocks. Can imagine the fun making the selections. Good you can stay occupied and hope you get to an applique block soon.
    Take Care!

  4. What a lovely distraction. My thoughts have been with you, Bonnie K Hunter, and all the folks in the path of the storm. Thankfully Irene has been downgraded to a tropical storm this morning. Maybe that applique will be more approachable now? ~~Lisa

  5. My thoughts are certainly with you as I am well acquainted with this type of storm. I live in tropical North Queensland and it is not long now before we will once again be in the cyclone season. Keep busy and at times like this I often hand piece because I can do this with a portable light when the power goes. Take care.

  6. … anxious about the whole thing, hoping you are ok… Beautiful stars! It is a way of keeping calm, focusing on quied sewing. Stay safe

  7. We have been watching a worrying about everyone on the east coast. We hope you are safe and sound. Your blocks are a great start for a great quilt.

  8. I am nervous just watching the news coverage, and I am out west! Wishing you well–your blocks are beautiful. I especially love the colors in the first two.

  9. I hope your luck holds out and the storm passes thru quickly – and you can continue sewing! Your blocks look really nice. I'm working on stars, too 🙂

  10. Your blocks are looking just lovely! I can imagine it is quite nerve wracking having to sit this storm out, I just hope it won't be as bad as they are preparing for!

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