Civil War workout
This is a pattern called Civil War Star by Bits ‘n Pieces. It is a project that I started years ago and I can only call it “a mission.” A guild I belonged to adapted it as a raffle quilt and when I saw it I was smitten. The prints are from the first Judie Rothermel Civil War line and the background is Benartex, I think. None of the fabrics were current when I set about to reproduce the quilt and the internet was not as sophisticated as it is now so it is a testament to my investigative abilities that I tracked down pieces of ALL the Civil War line AND the exact shade of Benartex background fabric. I was like a possessed bloodhound. You would think that level of intensity could translate into a finished quilt.
But, this is as far as I’ve progressed. The pattern is complicated because the rows of stars are kind of interconnected and my version is larger than the one pictured. You really have to be on top of your game to keep from screwing it all up. A big design wall would help, but mine is more like a design section of wall. Not enough to lay the whole row out. So, I have to use my bed, which is two floors above the sewing area. It’s a workout running from sewing machine to design bed and back. Plus, I have to make notes to ensure I don’t mix up the rows after I lay them out and pick them back up.
I think I started this sometime around 1999. We all need goals so this year will be the year I finish this baby. I think I better go get warmed up.
Taryn..This quilt is a beautiful design and you have so much done already , you should finish it..
Julia ♥
Your blocks are so gorgeous. Wow, I can tell this quilt will be a knock out!!
wow, how gorgeous this is! I hope you will make great progress on it now!
At our annual retreat this weekend, we each made a list of what we want to accomplish this year. My list included three quilt tops from my UFO list – in varying stages of completion. I finished four tops from the UFO pile last year. It's great to see some progress!
I love this star pattern – good for you for getting it going again, it will be well worth it!
This is a pretty quilt. I hope you brought it out to start finishing it now. I find my design floor to be quite handy in situations like this – I don't have a design wall at all, and just lay the pieces on the floor when I need. Have to work quick to keep the other members in the family from destroying my layout though.
What a lovely quilt and your partially pieced one is awesome! I'm so glad you brought it out to finish. I know you can do it!
Oh that quilt is gorgeous!!! I had fun looking through your blog and looking at all your repro quilts- love them and your taste in fabric.
Thank you for your comment on my blog. It is sometimes hard to find younger quilters. I'm 28 and a lot of the time people think I'm nuts when I tell them I'm a quilter AND that I love repro fabrics/patterns. Luckily, my best friend shares my addictions and the internet proves I'm not the only one out there.
Happy Quilting! 🙂 Christine
wow! I can see why you wanted to make this quilt
it is a beauty. YOu can finish this quilt this year and maybe I need to start it! wonder if the pattern is still around. I would use my fabric collection though
Keep us updated with your progress, please!
This will be a good quilt project to finish this year. I can see where you have to be on your toes all the time your are sewing the parts together on this one. Would be easy to get something out of place.
This will be a wonderful quilt. Keep at it cuz I want to see the finished quilt too!!
This quilt is beautiful! I love the design and the fabrics are wonderful. I can't wait to see it completed.