Spring into Fall


This is the summer that wasn’t. When the warm breezes were blowing and the flowers were blooming I put away my darker 19th century repro fabrics and took out the bright pastels of the 1930’s. And there they sat…and sat…and sat. I started this quilt years ago and it is responsible for the explosion in the size of my 1930’s repro stash. As you can see, the block consists of 25 HST’s so there are 50 pieces in each block. I thought it would be pretty neat to have 50 DIFFERENT fabrics in the block and I already had a pretty decent 30’s collection at the time. As many of you may be aware, however, stashes are often short on “lights” and mine was no exception. So, at every shop I visited I would buy whatever 30’s light they had. Of course, that’s like going to the ice cream shop and just getting sprinkles without the scoops. Naturally, I added some great darker pastels at the same time. And, red adds such a nice punch to these blocks I also had to add to that part of the collection.


Now, the cooler breezes are blowing and the pastels aren’t as appealing, but I didn’t work on my 30’s blocks (I did buy more fabric for it–of course). So, as my salute to the Labor Day weekend and the traditional end of summer, I am going to get busy and finish my quilt top this weekend. I have 17 blocks done and need 8 more, plus I need to do the sashing. Here’s a little bit more of what I’ve accomplished so far.

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